Wednesday, 28 June 2017

Egyptian Queen

Fairies of dark enchantment 
Circle the pond of sapphire 
Dark Egyptian Goddess 
Floats in a charred boat 
Two pixies beside her 
Trees of fantasy 
Tall, dark and illumined 
By the midnight moon 
Azure paradise 
Crystal clear water 
Drink from the heavenly 
The fountain of youth 
Until there is truth 
Silver decadence 
Forms a halo of white 
Glistening fairies 
Alone in their dance 
Fireflies melting 
In the poisoned light 
For the Egyptian Queen kills all in her sight 

Creative Rose

Blood red rose shines 
In a nocturnal night sky
Leaks a dew
From its petals 
Engulfs the night
A silver fox charges 
Through moonlight
She locks a box
With a key
Thinking about what it could be 
Hidden inside the mind
Unlock the paper
Place the ink
Divulge your wildest dreams 
Fantasy of
Is it enough 
To push the word further deeper 
Until there is no conclusion 
Only imagination 


A dark and twisted dream  With no seeming end  Search for exits  From this hell within  Nothing fills this empty void  Nothi...